Sunday, December 25, 2011

New Years Eve and Single Again....OY VEY!!! I am gonna mention the break-up one more time, but only because it's relevant to the subject of this post.
I'm gonna attempt to not sound like a winning self-centered individual, but if I do, please forgive

I have to say I'm getting rather tired of this.
Once again I'm single for new years and I'm beginning to think I'm cursed.

For once I would like to be in a relationship when New Years Eve rolls around. Not so I can have the "big blowout party", because if I really wanted that I know where I can find it. But so I can be with someone I care about when the clock shrikes 12.
This year I thought I'd finally have that moment. For once I thought I'd finally found the guy who would kiss me into the new year. When I think about it it's rather funny cause we discussed it not that long ago.
We talked about how I was finally doing all the things most people do in high school and their 20's. How now I was allowing myself to finally enjoy my life and be a kid. When I told him about my bad New Years Eve luck, he told me it wasn't bad luck. That fate didn't want me to have that experience with anyone else but him. He told me he wanted to be my first and last New Years kiss. That he wanted to be my first and last everything....

Do you see why I fell for this guy?

Well maybe I was right about the luck because once again I am single for New Years. I will be entering a pivotal year in my life on my own two feet. I'm trying not to let it get to me but it isn't easy.
All I can do is try to stay positive, try to focus on all the good things that are going on in my life, and have faith that everything happens for a reason.

(Photo of my girl Harley Quinn by bob167, Photobucket and is directly linked)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Pick Myself Up...Dust Myself Off...and Start All Over Again...

(I titled this blog after a line sung in the movie "Home for the Holidays". It's one of my top comedy holiday movies about a single mother who's at one of the lowest points in her life right before spending Thanksgiving with her family and what it really means to be family. It's been said that while most people love their families, they don't always like them very much, and that emotional dividing line is the heart of this comedy. It's directed/staring Holly Hunter and Robert Downey Jr. and the line struck a chord with me after whats been going on with me lately and my current mindset. I've also been using another line from the movie as my mantra but i'll talk about that later. 
If you haven't seen this movie, go out and get it, you wont regret it...)

As for my life
So I'm done moping...for the most part, and this will probably be the last time I write about the breakup. I just don't have time to allow myself to fall into a state of full on depression. Way too much is going on.
Sure I still feel lost, like my anchor has been cut away and my boat is adrift, but I've come too far to just allow that to happen. I'm gonna use whatever I have to in order to get my boat to shore, even if that means using my bare hands.
A few days ago I had myself what I call a "light bulb moment" where my sad listlessness turned into offended bitchiness and I used that energy to send my ex a response to his breakup email. It was one of the best things I've ever written and though I would love to share it on here, for the sake of his privacy and mine I wont.
What I will say is that though I love him and hope he finds his way back to me, my life has to goes on and I can't stop just cause I fell in a ditch. I will move forward, I will date again, but as of right now I will focus on my near future.

Speaking of my future...I took the CAT test (or CUNY Assessment Test) to determine if I needed remedial classes and I passed everything except one portion of Math which isn't that surprising considering how long it's been since I put it into practice.
As you can imagine, I completely freaked out about taking the test. Then on top of that the test was held in the school, so I had the added anxiety of seeing my new school for the first time. poor nails didn't stand a chance...

But while my brain was undergoing the damage of a hurricanes worth of worries, I had myself a moment of clarity. I decided that what I needed was perspective. I needed to see this whole situation differently. So instead of doing what I normally would, which is a lot of last minuet cramming and freaking out, I decided to do the opposite. I forced myself NOT to study, and my mantra became "just float".
Every time I felt a wave of panic begin to rise, "just float", when I realized I was mindlessly eating my fingers "just float", when I wanted to scream and throw-up simultaneously, "just float".
Granted I still chewed the living shit out if my fingers and I still worried a bit when the day came, but thanks to my mantra it was soo much easier.
It also helped that while I waited outside the classroom to take the test some dude walked passed full on picking his noes without a care in the world. That sort of brought me back to reality and laughter is a natural

So the test is done, today I sent in my Immunization Form that I waited hours and fought many angry patients to get signed in order for them to clear me to register, and this evening I got an email inviting me to the "New Student Assembly" on January 10th also known as Freshman Orientation.

College here I come...if I can get through Christmas and New Years Eve...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Broken Bodies, Mirrors, and Pain.....

I looked in the mirror and when I saw my eyes I almost lost it. 
I thought I had been handling this breakup well, priding myself on my lack of tears, ignorant of its warning, choosing to believe I had prepared myself well for this pain, but I was wrong.

Behind my eyes I saw a woman who has not stopped crying from the moment we fought. Behind the face I saw in the mirror was the shadow of bloodshot eyes, dark circles, tear stained cheeks, and raw skin. I saw my hidden pain and it almost sent me over the edge.
I found myself pacing my home, mindlessly picking up items only to put them back down. My body on auto pilot while my mind screamed at my blindness.

Why hadn't I seen it?
My chewed fingers covered in chipped nail polish, the rising numbers on the scale, the sleepless nights, the dry patches on my skin, and my inability to care about any of it. Standing there I felt like I was wailing beneath my skin yet my cheeks were dry as my chest heaved with hollow tears.
I imagined what I would see, if I could step outside myself, removing the blinders from my eyes. 
Would I see the two halves of my broken self?
The hollow one seemingly normal, standing, smiling, going through the motions, trying to fool the world and herself, while the other lays crumpled on the floor, her body raked by sobs, her cheeks wet and swollen with tears enough to drown the world.

It’s one thing to know things didn’t work because your just not meant to be, but it’s another to know you didn’t work because you had the potential to be great together.
I saw realization in his eyes that I could make him happy, that he may have found someone who could bring him hope again, someone he could possibly make a future with, and when that realization truly hit him, so did the fear.
He lives in a world of self-made rules, so absolutely sure he’s not meant to be happy that if something comes into his life that has the potential of proving his personal truth wrong, he runs from it. Because to prove his greatest personal truth wrong, would put all his other theories into question.

We are so much alike him and I, but what he doesn’t realize and doesn’t see is that I used to think the way he does and learned the futility of it.
I saw the traps I was laying around myself, the traps of absolutes and categories, and the greatest trap of all, perfection. These traps are like invisible walls, protecting you from getting hurt, yet boxing you in and never allowing you to leave the world you’ve created for yourself. Walls that let you see into the world outside making you believe you’re a part of it, yet keeping you from it. What you created to protect yourself in turn becomes your prison.
I stand outside that prison trying to reach him, to touch him, to show him how to escape, but how can you convince someone of a trap they can’t see. To them you are just a crazy person talking madness and idiotic crap.

I never allowed myself to love till I met him. That love made me a better person, a better woman, a better human being, and it breaks me to know it’s over.
We made a formidable duo and together we cold have ruled the world, but instead I stand with my hand pressed against the glass of his enclosure while he walks away…..

So it's official...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart...

Its interesting how a song once heard, heard again can mean soo much more...

Alicia Keys - Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart

"Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?
Well, you could try sleeping in my bed

Lonely, own me nobody ever shut it down like you
You wore the crown
You made my body feel heaven bound
Why don't you hold me
Need me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me

Looking in the sky I could see your face
And I know right where I fit in
Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love
With you
Right til the end 


So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you

Anybody could've told you right from the start
It's bound to fall apart
So rather than hold onto a broken dream
I'll just hold on to love

And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight..."

I'll update everyone about school and stuff soon...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Can't Think....

Stuff has happened...stuff I don't really have the ability to talk about yet...but let me try...

I feel hollow...yet one of my major lines was crossed...
I can handle a lot of abuse and forgive a lot of things toward me but somethings are sacred.
I thought I would fume or cry, rage or sob, but instead I felt sad for him at first, then numb. When he hung up on me the normal tears fell but then something happened.

Something turned off.

I can still laugh, I seem rather normal, and nobody would know that a major part of my life just least no one but the one who knows me best, and even I don't fully know because part of me still doesn't believe it happened (did that sentence make any The words haven't officially been said, but it seems the writing is on the Facebook friendship walls.

I'm not surprised it went the way it did, he told me it would, and we create our reality.
Maybe we happened too soon...I saw the clues, the signs, the patterns of behavior.
Happiness, followed by over analyzed distance, then the "aggressive interrogation" that would send me into defensive mode. The longer and happier the moments and the more pronounced his happiness, the longer the distance, and the more aggressive the interrogation even as I was getting better at dealing with it, but my learning curve wasn't as quick as his progress.
I thought he would listen when I told him why, I thought he would care. I thought he would try for me the way I was trying for him.

Maybe I feel numb because I have so many things going on, my emotions being pulled in soo many different directions and somehow this overloaded my circuit breaker and flipped my robot switch.
I know I'll feel it...the loss...I can feel the faint whispers of it now, a promise of future pain.
Its only a matter of time as he pulls further and further away and I feel the deep burning tear growing deeper across my heart.

The first man I ever loved and probably always will....

(when I saw the picture above it made me laugh. It's soo something he would say in a humorous way lol)

Monday, November 28, 2011

IT HAS BEGUN!!! College Here I Come!!! the rhyming in my heading was completly unintentional but I guess I was so excited I got possessed by Dr.

I've been waiting and stressing with anticipation over my impending college acceptance/rejections letters. Plus knowing how hard it is today to get into even a community college now that almost everyone is broke, wasn't helping me in keeping my fingernails intact (I lost three of them already)
But on Thanksgiving I finally got my answer....

Borough of Manhattand Community College also known as BMCC
Lehman College.

My first choice 2 year college and a 4 year college....
The wait of finding out was killing me but today I finally got my acceptance email from BMCC!...
That's right...I said email...kinda confused me too, but in today's tech modern world I shouldn't be that surprised. Then again I was supposed to find out by early November so I guess all this modernization hasn't streamlined the delays yet.
Now as far as decisions go...I'm not bothering to wait for Lehman's "email" cause I've decided to go to BMCC...

Why u ask?? well let me tell u...

1. My ultimate goal is to get into Hunter College for their science department, and transferring from a 2 year CUNY with an associates is a lot easier then getting in outright or transferring from another 4 year.
2. BMCC is way easier to get to from my house then Lehman and that will help keep me motivated to get to class everyday.
3. Having been out of school for so long, getting thrown into a 4 year right off the bat might overwhelm me. I have to think about whats going to keep me sane and in the game for as long as possible.

Messed up part of all this is that I got the acceptance email today only to read I need to send in my commitment deposit form and check by December 1st. That's this Thursday!!! WTF!!!!...
I'm supossed to get 15 days not 2!!
I'm glad I knew ahead of time what I was gonna do otherwise I would really be freaking the fuck out right now!
In the acceptance letter, besides the way too soon deposit date, they also said I've been scheduled to take the CUNY Assessment test on December 8th and I have to get my doctor to fill out my immunization papers, all before I am even allowed to register around January 20-January 26.
Classes begin January 27th.....
I feel like I'm falling down the rabbit hole and all I wann do is puke...but at least its happy anxiety

(Picture above is of me sending in my deposit form tonight...I only pray it gets there on time)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Somewhat Poem from Many Many Years Ago...

Now a bit of a disclaimer....
This piece is tricky...
I don't remember writing this and I don't want to take credit for the work of someone else. But I found it while looking through an old backup external hard drive. 
The misspellings in the original lead me to believe I did write it...yet I can't be certain.
It struck a cord then and even more so now...
I never associated it with anyone in particular but of the person I had yet to meet...
Again this was years ago but now my association with it has changed.


You who blew in from the wind
Glancing upward through frames focusing the world for you
Uninformed and playing video games
Reminding me of younger days, glowing with the radiance which is you
Pondering the wonderment of me
Delving into unknown yet structured territory
Puffing on the smoke from the cauldron of love
Marching in time when necessary
Singing a song of peace for a world gone mad
Trusting in the truths you’ve had the privilege of revealing
Blowing christened kisses into courier wings aimed in the direction of destiny
Picking up trinkets left behind and following
Breathing in what is and manifesting how you wish the world could be, hoping for the intangible but real
Doing cartwheels
Or so says the reflection in the black of my eyes.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Update...(long time coming) I know this has been a long time coming but I've been super busy (and as a friend put it...super happy) so I haven't had time to blog the way I used to.
I also posted another blog before this update which is a bit backward, but if I did anything normal I wouldn't be me...:)

So here's the long and short of it....

I finished my classes, finished my internship with Community Impact, started and finished some advanced computer classes, registered for college in the spring, started seeing my ex again, am stressing over waiting for my college acceptance/rejection letters, have NOT worked out the way I should, have NOT had time to continue my story, and yet I am rather content.

My biggest issues at the moment are trying to find time to work out, trying not to rush things with the ex, finding another job, staying on my path, and at the same time trying not to obsess over which school I will go to. I need to find out already so I can fully freak the fuck out the way my body needs to.

My 30th birthday came and went uneventfully, which I thought I'd be more upset about, but I never did anything big on any of my big birthdays (18/21) and when I did, it was just unnecessary stress. I'll probably end up going all out on my 31st as if it were my 30th for two reasons. 1. because I can, and 2. because if I can celebrate it, that means the world didn't end in an apocalyptic shit storm of fire, blood, and frankly that's something to

I'm bummed I didn't go to the beach this summer. I didn't get my fix of sun, salt, and waves, but on the upside I look forward to going to college so I can use the swimming pool. To get my water fix while working out sounds pretty darn wonderful to me...but unfortunately that wont be till the spring semester of 2012 which means I'll be jonesing till then...
I didn't even use my aunts pool more then twice which is REALLY bad...

Now some of you may say: "Why are you bitching about that?""
Well first I say...I didn't bitch so rein in the attitude....and second...if you knew me and my connection to the ocean, water and swimming, you'd understand why. I've never felt more alive or free as I do when I swim. As a kid I'd stay in the water all day, watching my skin prune and not caring. I was and always will be a daughter of the ocean. I'm actually surprised I wasn't born a tail and gills.

My ex...(well can't call him that anymore)... and I have been seeing each other for over 6 months now and this may sound sad but this is the longest relationship I've ever had. I don't have a long dating history (you can count it on one hand) but from my few experiences I don't force a relationship when I can see it isn't going anywhere. That thought process has saved me from having bad emotionally scaring breakups, so this is a completely new experience for me.

It's scary cause I truly don't know what to expect and I'm learning as I go.
We have had our emotional ups and downs but that's par for the course. I've been on my own for so long that I didn't realize how much work it would be to be with someone. Besides the tiring grooming that is required when dating, I'm a bit of a hermit, a loner, and when your with someone certain aspects of your life change while other things that you never payed attention to have a spot light put on them. Simple things like talking to him everyday. If I don't hear his voice at least once, the day doesn't feel right. Also being considerate to his feeling when it comes to certain things. I may still be single but I'm not unattached so that puts a certain filter on how I communicate with other people (especially men).

So that's it in a nutshell folks....but I gotta say...this whole dating thing is weird...yet at the same time extremely satisfying :-)

Photo provided by Photobucket, gianaloveronnie, and is directly linked

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What I Want...

I've been seeing my good friend/sorta ex again and I just got back from spending whole day with him and his buddies for his birthday.

I had a really good time even though it started out slightly rocky, but it got better and better as the evening progressed. I didn't realize until today how much better at socializing I've become in comparison to where I used to be. All my old anxiety was almost non exsistant.

We went to lunch (Applebee' first time), saw a movie (Rise of the Planet of the Apes...pretty good), went bowling (first time ever and with his help I went from gutter ball and shaking hands, to 1 pin away from a strike), then we had dinner and ice cream cake at his buddies house while watching the UFC fights on fucking HUGE screen (very cool).
Today I feel like shit, my stomach is sour, I don't wanna even think about food, and my body hurts from my workout on Friday...but I had such a great time its all worth it. Hell I might even loose some weight since I don't wanna know from

Its funny how things work themselves out...
I met this guy randomly at one of the most difficult moments of my life and I decided to take a chance on him. Who would have thought that before I knew it he would be helping me get back on my feet and showing me that its not too late for me to have a life. He helped me see my own self worth even though he doesn't see his own, made me realize I have a lot to give, and he makes me want to be a better woman not just for him but for myself. He motivated me to take my life back and that realization got me thinking about my evolving ideals in what it is that want in a mate..

So...What is it I want?

In a nut shell I want an Alpha.

When I was young I was like most, just a superficial kid. I liked pretty boys, guys that had a feminine sorta look and I wanted a guy who would kiss me, hold my hand, and call me his girlfriend. That was the extent of what I was looking for back then.

Now that I'm a woman, things are almost completely different.
Granted I still want the kisses, hand holding, and the title of girlfriend, but things are much more complex then they were.
My main concern isn't superficial (though it does play it's roll) but its about character.

I'm looking for balance. Not equality but balance...

I feel that everything in life is about maintaining balance. Even in chemistry, down to our smallest molecules, balanced atoms are stable atoms. When they loose electrons the atom becomes unbalanced and searches for other atoms that will balance it. That's how new elements are formed. I kinda see us all as unbalanced molecules looking for one another to balance our equation, making us a new stable element.

So I had to ask myself, what would I need to make my atom balanced?

First thing that came to mind was respect.
Maybe I'm old school in this but I have to respect my mate and they have to respect me. That is a foundation stone and without it everything eventually crashes down. If you don't respect the person your with, that relationship wont last.
Falling under respect is intelligence. I want someone who will challenge me to be my best but who is also smart enough to acknowledge and appreciate my good qualities as well. Someone who can show me new ways of seeing the world, but who is also open to seeing it through my eyes. Any intelligence person knows that no matter how much you think you know, how smart you think you are, you don't know everything. Thats' why truly smart people will suround themselves with other smart people. They will make you think, make you grow, challenge you to be smarter, to be better, and best of all, if your around other smart people, you can count on them to be smart enough to get some things without explanation.
Also falling under respect is the respect of ones spiritual beliefs. If both parties have the same belief system then it isn't a problem. The problem comes from conflicting ideologies and undermining the other persons belief structure. Faith can be a very touchy subject and if you don't agree with one another then it's best for both parties to agree to disagree. But undermining someone elses beliefs, no matter how much you may disagree with it will eventually lead to bitterness and anger.

Now....a quality I have to have is humor...
I can't be with someone that doesn't have a sense of humor. If you don't have a sense of humor, life will fucking break you, so you got to be able to laugh at things, at other people (not in a cruel way), but also you need to be able to laugh at yourself.
I love to laugh, and I need to laugh, so I look for a guy who keeps me smiling and laughing.

But the biggest difference between then and now is that I'm less concerned with what someone looks like on the outside then what comes out from the inside. I'm no longer attracted to the "pretty" boys.
Sure I'm attracted to good looking guys but they got to be guys that look like men. Rugged and strong, muscles and strength. The kinda strength that comes from hard work and genetics, not because they spend most of their days in a gym looking in the mirror working on getting jacked with veins popping out of their abnormally thick necks. I wanna man that I feel can protect me if need be. Someone who when I look at him I'm not thinking "I can take him"

I've had really good looking guys, I mean drool worthy guys who I would never thought I'd have a chance with hit on me, but from the moment I look into their eyes and hear their first dumb ass sentences, I know it ain't happening. You can be good looking for days, but if the stuff coming out of your mouth is stupid, I just can't take you seriously.

I explained it to someone like this.

You can make the most beautiful stained glass, but without the light to make it glow, it's pointless. In other words, no matter how beautiful you are on the surface, if you don't have anything beautiful and bright shining through, your beauty looses it's value. That's why some people who wouldn't typically be considered by society as "great beauties" can end up on the top sexiest peoples list.. Because they have that "it" factor. That something that catches your eye, draws your attention and keeps it, and it has more to do with who they are then what they look like.

To me these are some of the quality's I look for in my Alpha and frankly my friend/sorta ex possesses most of these qualities.
Its truly weird to meet someone that makes me wanna be a better woman. I actually have a physical reaction to his presence and it's rather frightening because it's automatic.
I find myself willing to do things I've never done before or for anyone other then myself or my family (like iron his Its not that I'm changing cause I'm still very much me, but rather who I am is expanding, growing.

Even if we don't work out. Knowing I'm capable of this growth is encouraging and makes me hopeful for my future and what I'm capable of. I guess I should thank him for that too...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

When it Rains it Pours...and it Seems the Same goes for Ex's...

This is gonna be a quick post...

Why is it when a guy shows intrest, it sends out a bat signal to all your ex's telling them now's a good time to call??

No I'm not posting anything anywhere that would make said ex's curious and actually half of them don't even do the social networking thing (which is strange now a days).
Hell...some I haven't heard from in months if not years, yet all of a sudden they ALL contact me within days of each other.
If I were more of a paranoid person 'd be freaking the fuck out right

So there some secret network out there that alarms your ex's when your moving on with your life?

Oh and my mother made the joke that if it were a bat signal it would be in Asian characters since 90% of my ex's are of Asian decent.
Ain't my family a hoot...LOL!

 (Photo from Photobucket, by kristyellenx3 and is directly linked)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Free Floating and Feeling Strange....

I gotta say I feel weird...

After all that work and worry I feel strange. Almost too light like I forgot something. You know that feeling you get when you get used to carrying a heavy load, then one day go out without it. You feel super light, and it feels good, but you keep getting that nagging feeling like you forgot something....
That's where I am now.

I finally got my results... my GPA is about a 3.6 which is good for getting into college. But now I'm kinda overwhelmed about my next step. I wasn't mentally prepared to pass my test so fast, and now I have to think about which college I want to go to, community or private, signing up for scholarships, and finally getting a job with health insurance.

I don't even know where to begin....

Because of all this I woke up this morning with a cluster headache, and I've chewed the living shit out of my fingers (three nails down).
I know once things are settled and I'm back in school I'll be myself again, but where the hell do I start...

(Photo from Photobucket by funfreak2 and is directly linked)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It’s been waaay too long since the last time I wrote, but with good reason. These last few months have been the craziest months of my life….a re-birthing if you will.

My brain feels unhinged from my spine and scalp. As if floating in my skull, free from gravity’s bonds. I’ve felt this way since April 11th when I took the first part of my big test. 

After running to the testing center (which was given at public school) with seconds to spare I took part 1 of my test and afterward I felt as if I was having some sort of aneurysm or stroke, but then I realized I had over-taxed my brain numb….lol

The test was broken into two parts which I took Monday and Wednesday, missing class to do so. I still went to class on Tuesday though I was a zombie the entire time and to top it all off I had finals that week so since I missed class Wednesday, I had to take two parts of my finals on Thursday, and my Math Lab final was on Friday. So to sum up, I took a test every day that week except Tuesday. 

Fucking crazy right??

Well it all paid off…cause today I found out I passed my BIG test!!!!
I couldn’t believe it. Since I took the test I’ve been going to the status report website, putting in my info and crossing my fingers, but it was still too early. They said it would take 8 weeks before I found out if I passed or not, but when I spoke to others who had already taken the test they said most of the time it gets posted sooner than that. 

So today was the first day I wasn’t thinking about checking. I was too busy with my head in the toilet, vomiting my guts out, trying not to think about the burning in my nose and throat. I haven’t thrown up in a long time, if I got ill the most that would happen would be nausea or heaves, but today it was different. I missed work, and even missed school which says a lot since today is my favorite subject (math). I was even running a low grade fever, and still am.
I was feeling a bit better after risking dinner, so I decided to go online and check my email. While I was online is when I remembered to check for my score, but didn’t expect to find anything. I was shocked, by my information being there, by the fact that I had passed when I was sure I failed, and by my reaction as well because I started crying.

I couldn’t help it. All the years of feeling less then, of feeling inadequate, of fighting for everything, came to a head and I just broke down. I had done it, finally after all these years, I had passed.

Now I can look towards my future with a true sense of hope…

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm a Proud New Mama....of a HP Pavilion :)

Yes...I got me a new baby. An HP Notebook with 640g of Hard Drive and 4g of RAM...

My old trusted lap top who I named "Samwise" had long since gotten too old to use. I tried everything to keep him mobile, even cutting out all the unnecessary software and files so I could at least write and go on the interweb, but alas, the world moved too fast for old Samwise to keep up.

He had been my trusty companion for many a year, but eventually I couldn't handle the half-hour start up and stopped using him.
Now as a gift for all my hard work, I got a new computer. They surprised me with it last weekend, and I cried like a little bitch.

I can't bring myself to call it a replacement with Samwise being technically still alive and all, but she (for yes my new notebook has more female characteristics) will definitely be my new companion from now on.

(written from my new baby, photo courtesy of QVC and directly linked)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Big Changes....Moving Forward...

Sometimes when life finally starts moving after a long lull, it moves like the currents of a river...

At first it's almost painfully slow, then it picks up speed until your in the rapids with everything moving so fast you don't know if you can keep up, and your scared that if your reactions aren't quick enough, your gonna hit a rock...

Well...I've entered the rapids..:-)

It's one of the reasons why I haven't blogged in awhile. I've been so busy with everything that I can barely think straight.
I opened one door but that door has opened a few others and now I'm rushing through door after door.

So here's how it went...
First there was the schooling, then I entered the Advanced Program, and one of the parts of the advanced program lead to a paid internship that I now do twice a week on top of classes.
The Advanced Program has also lead to certification and will lead to more classes with more certifications.
Then on top of that, being a part of the Advanced Program makes me a sought after candidate for other programs which I'm interested in. And finally because of all of this I'm on the road to take my test, get  financial aid for collage, and get a degree....

I feel wind blown...and happy....but I feel like everything is moving so fast, maybe too fast.
I'm afraid I'm doing too much and I'll end up tripping and falling on my face. Kinda like that feeling you get when you walk on those moving walkways at the airport.

I'm still trying to exercise, just fitting it in is more difficult. And at the beginning of all this I did some bad stress eating, but I've nipped that in the bud and am back to a healthy lifestyle.
I haven't lost weight but I haven't gained either, which is a relief.

Then with all this going on, someone from my past has come back into my life...but I don't know for how long. All I know is that when they're around, positive changes happen in my life so it kinda

So things are moving...and there seems to be big changes in my future...who knows what the next day will bring...:)

(Photo by mysticx08xglow, Photobucket and is directly linked)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy VD Day!!!!(My Day After Valentines Day Blog)... most people do a blog on Valentines Day about Valentines Day...
I decided instead, since I can't stand Valentines Day, to use the day to relax, watch the G4 Cheaters marathon, then write about my views later...

Yes...I hate Valentines Day...or as I like to refer to it "Venereal Disease-Day" or "VD-Day" for short.
If you don't believe me, just think about it.
Valentines Day is known for love but mostly for sex.
Women use Valentines day as a "get out of jail" sex card if they get what they want, so people in general have more sex on Valentines Day then any other normal day.
Therefore, the more sex people have, the more likely that venereal diseases will get transferred...hence why it's "VD-Day"....simple logic...

Now before you go yelling at me, saying that I don't understand the meaning of Valentines day, and that I'm just some bitter female without a boyfriend...your only 1/3

Valentines Day is for those who don't understand real love. If you truly love someone then you don't need a special day to show them, they probably already know by your daily actions.
Love is having dinner ready when you know your partner has had a long day at work and you don't want them to cook.
Love is taking the kids out so your partner can get an hour of peace.
Love is never going to bed angry.
Love is buying flowers not cause it's a "special day", but because you thought of them and you know it will make them happy.
Love is simple things that you do for one another because you love them, and because you care.
If you do these things, then Valentines Day is just any other day.

Now sure...I'll admit, I'm single...and Valentines Day is never an easy day for singles, but that isn't why I hate the day.
I hate that women perpetuate this need to be treated like Princesses on Valentines Day (I hate it when women feel the need to be treated like princesses period, but I'll save that rant for another
It isn't about you, it's supposed to be about you and your partner, but the focus is always on the female.
I hate that people feel this need to be obnoxiously in your face with the "public displays of affection". I mean, I'm happy and all that your happy, but do I need to see you dry hump your boyfriend on the subway platform?
I hate that Valentines Day had become this consumerism driven day of legalized prostitution.
When did it become Ok to trade Money or items for sex?
If you buy me this or take me there I'll sleep with you...
This is the one night guys go above and beyond just for a night of "guaranteed" sex.
That isn't right...if he's doing all kinds of shit for you so he can get some, then your not giving him enough. Eventually he's gonna get bitter and either leave you (best case scenario), or cheat on you (worse case scenario)
The definition of Prostitution:
"Engaging in sexual activity with another person in exchange for compensation, such as money or other valuable goods"
I especially love it when women who are all "I am woman...hear me roar!" get fucking pissed when there boyfriend didn't do anything for them on Valentines Day...I mean really?

and finally...the main reason I hate Valentines Day...
all the Pink!!!!...I can't STAND the color baby pink and it's freaken everywhere. It even invades our foods so I can't even go into a grocery store without being visually violated.

Is it nice to get something?...sure...but it's always nice to receive.
I only dated one guy through Valentines Day, and though I didn't ask for anything and he didn't believe in it, he still sent me something that had personal meaning, just because he wanted to. That meant 100 times more then if he had sent it because he felt obligated. But this was a guy who had bought me a DVD set I really wanted out of the blue, and a special book he wanted to share with me, just because he felt like it, wanted to surprise me, and knew it would make me happy.

So the moral to the story kiddies, is if you love someone, you'll show it because you want to, not because you need to, and not because the calender says so.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Day of Class...Ok...Now What!...

So yesterday was my first day of class, and as anticipated they screwed up my schedule.

But unlike last semester instead of putting me in too low a class they put me in too high a class. Now I understand this is due to my test scores (which were impressive :) but what I need to learn the most is in the damn class level they don't seem to want to put me in!

So I went straight to the office before heading to my classes, knowing this needed to be nipped in the budd right away.
Unfortunately the head coordinator was there and she showed her true colors.

From the moment I met her something bothered me. Maybe it was something unseen, maybe it was the way she spoke down to me, but from day one it rubbed me the wrong way. Then yesterday as we're waiting to go into the office, she makes a scene with one of the students trying to get his schedule fixed.
I know the guy from last semester and he's real mellow, and even though she was telling him they lost one of his tests, he stayed mellow. But she lost it, telling him its not her responsibility if he couldn't come in to take the test on its proper day, accusing him of yelling, though the only voiced raised was hers. She then took the fight, which is what she created, out into the hall where we all were standing, only then to accuse him of making a scene in front of us.
It was ugly...just plain ugly, and what probably made him loose his cool finally was that the entire time she yelled at him, she spoke down to him as well. It's amazing he stayed civil for as long as he did, but when she decided to continue this fight upstairs, you finally heard him raise his voice.
That little drama wasted 30mins of my first day.

Finally a very nice woman, whom I should remember her name but can't, came down to the office. When she saw us there she asked us if we needed help, we told her, she wrote it down, and we were off to our classes.... that was it.
Something that should have taken 2 seconds, ended up taking 30 flipping minutes...

But other then that, the class went well.
So far I like my new teachers and actually was a bit embarrassed when one them recognized my name from my essay that got published...
That's a weird feeling. Being recognized because of something I wrote...

Today is Math...the subject I have a true love/hate relationship with. Hopefully things will come to me as quickly as they did last semester so I can truly enjoy the experience the way I want to...

Wish me luck;-)
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

For a Moment I Lost my Path...

I have so much going on in my mind that I had a moment today where I lost focus.

I didn't realize what was happening until I saw how annoyed I was at everything, and how I was being short with my mother for no reason.
(and no... I'm not PMSing nor am I on the rag, so I have no excuse)

I was angry...just plain angry at everything.
Negative thoughts and frustrations about where I am in my life had entered my head and had been allowed to fester.
Frustrations with pain, having to see another doctor tomorrow, my frozen weight loss, guys, money or lack there of, the slow progress of my education, and the embarrassed lies I tell to avoid the looks of pity. So in other words, my life as I slowly reach 30.
I've been making so much progress, and I was happy...truly happy.... so I didn't think those turning 30 blues would hit me...but then BOOM! It hit an unexpected uppercut from a 300 pound lucha libre wrestler named "The Downer Ferry"...

When I realized what was happening, I knew I had to get rid of it right away, so I took a shower.
That shower became more then just a physical cleansing, but a mental and spiritual cleansing as well.
I ran through all my issues as I washed my hair, seeing them for what they were, wasted energy feeling sorry for myself. So I visualized them leave my head and run down my body with the soapy water, finally washing away down the drain.
Water is truly my element. I've always felt connected to it, and it helps me stay balanced.

I got out of the shower feeling so much better, yet I can still feel the shallow echo of my former dark thoughts like dark purple bruises in the back of my mind, so I know I have to stay strong.

My power lies in staying positive, seeing my problems for what they are, and doing something about it.
I can't allow myself to fall into a depression. I've come too far to let anything stop me now...not even if what stands in my way is me...

(Beautiful photo shared by pamzers, Photobucket and is directly linked)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Monday, January 31, 2011

Dating and other Shit That is Driving Me NUTS!....

Internets down so I'm blogging from my phone....oh joy...not an easy task for a wind bag like

Why does life have to be so difficult?

1. Why is it when your nice to a guy, he immediately takes it as code for "I Wanna Fuck You"?
No!! That is NOT what it means!!!

2. Is it possible to fall for someone because of the way they write?

3. How its it I'm gonna be 30 and I can still feel like a fucking 16 year old with a crush?

I mean what the HELL people!!!
This is just a snippet of the crap going through my head right

Let's deal with #1 first...

I couldn't start this school semester quiet could I...
I have to deal with this shit right away...

I would like to just go to class and be friendly without someone thinking it means I want them, without having to worry about looking too nice because I might attract too much attention.

It's a classroom, not a fucking bar!

God...I even hate the way this shit sounds

I gave you my number because you said you have info that could help me with a problem. Not so you can text me to ask me what's up. And if my response is I'm busy, again trying to be nice, that should be a clue I don't wasn't to talk, and that definitely doesn't mean you can ask me "where I'm going" like you know me.
Forgive me for going ghetto but "You don't Know ME!"

What do I have to do, tattoo "No I DON'T want to fuck you" across my forehead for you to get a clue?
Or maybe if I don't bathe for a few weeks, and come to class smelling like ASS, I'll finally be left alone.
But then again, with my luck, that would probably just attract the real twisted

I don't know why this rant feels so

Now on to #2...

As you can see, when I write I have a certain flow and cadence to the way I say things. I like to write the way I think, and for the most part, the way I speak when I get to know you.
When I write I find the purest form of the real me and maybe that's why I've taken to writing so much. Much of my insecurities and fears I can put aside when I write, which I think is true for most people. My head is clear, and if it isn't, I can alway come back when it is, but in that lies the problem, especially when you enter the realm of online dating.

Most online dating happens through emails or text messages, my perfect medium. But when it comes to meeting face to face, the person you meet isn't going to be right away the dynamic person that you talked to in the emails. I'm still awkward and shy at first when you meet me face to face.

Granted I'm soo much better then I used to be, now that I use humor to break the tension, but I still feel the awkwardness and anxiety that makes me less them quick on my feet. Because of this, I had one relationship feel weird because the guy didn't understand that he had to give me some time to get comfortable with him first before that side of me came out in person.

He fell fast for the woman in the emails, and had no patience for the woman before him. Funny thing was, he wasn't exactly the same in person as he had been in his emails either, but who ever is.
I never say anything in writing that I'm not willing to do in reality (except when I write fiction...obviously), it just takes a bit longer for it to come out.
But if your willing to be patient, you'll find I'm all the woman I am when I write, and

Finally crazy thought #3...

This one is driving me nuts!
Just when I begin to feel all adult and confident in my ability to handle men, here comes that stupid anxiety madness I had as a teenager whenever I had feelings for someone.

You know what I'm talking about, the feelings of when you like someone but you don't think they like you the same way, but you can't help it, and you over think every single thing you did or said or want to do with him/her.
The kind of madness that permeates your thoughts at inopportune times, makes you connect almost every song you hear to that person, and no matter how much you know you should move on and let go, you can't seem to...

Yep... I fucking hate that shit!
Makes me feel like a fucking crazy person...

This particular thorn in my paw is someone who reads my blog so I can't go into too many details, except to say he has a girlfriend which makes me feel even worse for feeling the way I do.

I've never been ok with going after someone who is with someone else, even if it isn't that serious, because I believe in karma and common sense.
Twice in my inexperienced past I was stupid, lied to myself, and started down that path, but luckily both times it blew up in my face before anything bad happened, so if that isn't a sign from the "powers that be" trying to save my karmic spirit, I don't know what is.

Now that I'm older and wiser, I know I won't be lead astray again, but I can't help the evil thoughts that cross my mind.

I know that if it's ment to be, it will be...
So close yet so far....oh fucking hell!!!!
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Friday, January 28, 2011

Back to School....(*Blowing a Raspberry*)....

Oh...God...I hurt....
I don't even know why I'm writing right now...

I guess it's cause it's been bothering me that I haven't written anything in a while, but I am soo tired right now...
and for those of you thinking:
"Why you so tired? It's not like you got no job or nothen!" ...
You can kiss my big fat ASS!!
Yep...thanks to seeing an episode of the "Jersey Shore" immediately before deciding to write, that's what you sound like in my head
I don't even watch that shit...those people make my skin crawl, but I guess that's a good example of how tired I am, that I didn't even have enough strength to change the Damn Channel!...LOL

Anyhoo...back to my original point...
I'm tired...that's obvious since I've said it a bunch of times already. I don't know if it's cause I'm working out again, if it's having to get back into my old school schedule, or if it's because I've been trying to keep from busting my ass every time I walk out on these freaken icy streets, draining my already tapped reserves.
Fuck! for all I know it could be all the above plus some extra.
What I do know is that I had to drink two glasses of tea and one bubble tea in order to function today, and that ain't normal. Usually the bubble tea by itself will have me tweaking for

I know...I'm a light weight compared to you coffee drinkers, and maybe I should of just broken down and made myself a cup, but I don't want to get dependent on that shit. Once you cross over to that coffee line, it's almost impossible to go back.
Coffee is the legal crack of our society today. Trying to talk to a coffee drinker before they've had there first cup, is like trying to talk to a crack head before their first rock of the day, they will cut a bitch if you keep them from there shit LOL!

Back to topic (drifted a bit)
Yesterday and today was mandatory orientation for the start of our "Spring" semester. Classes don't officially start until February 7th, and I won't know till then what class they've put me in, or if they deleted me from the system like last Either way, I'm ready.
I got all my paperwork filled out and handed in yesterday, I got all my test scores from last semester, and no matter what, they will be putting me in the right class this time. I now know how the system works and I ain't gonna be played

This year I'll be sighing up for there advanced program that requires 3 extra elective classes. These classes will really help me with the job search.
They have a class that gets you prepared for working in the health field as well as finding a job, a computer class for certification in word and excel, and even classes that prepare you for the new green job market. Plus this year I will be signing up for the Math Lab, which will give me a more comprehensive background in math and will help prepare for collage level work.

As far as my love life is concerned, the classes haven't even started yet and it looks like I already have some complications that will have to be clipped quick.
Geekcano didn't show and I haven't heard from him since late December, so I doubt he'll be back, but I kinda expected that. Deep down, no matter what he said, I don't think he really wanted to be in the program. It was too much. I didn't see his buddy either, which is kinda disappointing cause I liked the guy, but that's a sure sign he's not coming back. Last semester you hardly saw one without the

So...that's it. I can't believe I wrote as much as I did...then again...I do tend to blabber when over

Blowing a raspberry

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Blowing a raspberry or strawberry or making a Bronx cheer is to make a noise signifying derision (and/or silliness), made by sticking out the tongue between the lips and blowing to make a sound reminiscent of flatulence. In the terminology of phonetics, this sound can be described as an unvoiced linguolabial trill [r̼̊]. It is never used in human language phonemically (i.e., to be used as a building block of words), but it is widely used across human cultures.
Nomenclature varies: in the US, Bronx cheer is sometimes used; otherwise, in the US and in other English-speaking countries, it is known as a raspberry, rasp or razz—the origin of which is an instance of rhyming slang, in which the non-rhyming part of a rhyming phrase is used as a synonym. In this case, "raspberry tart" rhymes with "fart".[1] It was first recorded in 1890.[2]
The term "Bronx Cheer" is used sarcastically because it's not a cheer; it is used to show disapproval. The term originated as a reference to the sound used by some spectators in Yankee Stadium, located in the Bronx, New York City.[3][4]"

LMFAO!!!! God I love Wikipedia!!....
 (Above photo by VShellabarger, Photobucket, and is directly linked)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Grandmother and I (Where I Come From to Who I am Today)...

My grandmother, a Caguas farm girl, who was a descendant of rebels and indigenous people, inherited their spirit when she left her step mothers abusive home to live with her grandmother and her sisters. It was there that she met my grandfather who swept her away to Manhattan. Yet not speaking a word of English and in a completely foreign environment, they planted there roots, started a family, and had 7 children. That was the beginning….

They were non traditional parents in the sense that though God was very important they weren’t very strict in there Christian faith. If anything my grandmother leaned more toward being a believer in the “Espiritista” or the spiritualist way of being that she learned from her grandmother and her great aunts. A belief of healing with herbs and praying to God, the Saints, and our ancestors for there help, guidance, and protection. A belief and way of being that she instilled in her children and in me.

Unfortunately her husband passed away while most of their children were still very young, leaving my grandmother to fend for herself. But once again that rebellious sprit gave her the strength she needed because instead of ending up on the street or in a asylum, my grandmother got 2 jobs, learned English, and somehow raised all 7 children on her own.

Raising them in New York, the melting pot of the world, they became more culturally intermingled in their upbringing, but because of the racist attitudes of that time, like everyone else they had to adapt to the American or more precisely “White” culture in order to survive in the public eye. Yet even though the pressures of society would have preferred for them to hide who they were, most of them wore there heritage proudly because of the way they were raised.

Both my grandparents taught them the ways of their culture, but it was my grandmother who taught them about what you would call the roots of our culture. She also instilled in them one of the most important parts of our culture, a very strong Puerto Rican ideology which is the unity of family and what it means to be family.

She made sure each of her children grew up as unique individuals, with the freedoms that come from being brought up in the states, but no matter how different each one was, they all shared a similar understanding of faith and never forgot to come to together for every holiday, birthday, or special occasion, and that was something my grandmother always made sure they never lost.
She was a major part of everyone’s lives including mine. I was lucky enough to be raised around her for almost all of my childhood and she gave me the same foundation she gave her children. Even though I am a second generation Puerto Rican who speaks very little Spanish, thanks to her teachings, I feel like a first. So when she suddenly passed away, it was not just the loss of a person but the loss of our family’s foundation.

It happened a month before my senor year in high school and her sudden death shook me to my very core, but what I didn’t see coming was the effect it would have on my family and on myself.
We became out of balance. The person we all relied on heavily was no longer with us, and the affects were not only emotional but physical. My aunts and uncles lost their mother, the person who was always there to keep them steady, who helped to look after there children when they worked, and not having the funds to pay for a nanny that meant having to cut hours or even possibly quitting there jobs. No one could afford to do any of that without losing everything else.
Watching this from the sidelines and seeing my family slowly beginning to fall apart, I realized unlike them, I had a choice. I knew what I could do, but it became what I had to do, what my grandmother would have done, and being the eldest of my cousins, I left school and became the family nanny. What I didn’t realize was that in doing that, in sacrificing my education, I had become more then just a nanny.

I became the new teacher, the new confidant, the new friend to not only my cousins who now became like my brothers, but surprisingly to my uncles and aunts as well. I also became the new spiritual center of the family, having learned some of the ways of being from my grandmother, but also on my own, I began to guide and protect those I loved.
I had always been like a daughter to each of my aunts and uncles, but because of what I had done, I became more like a sibling and had earned the right to sit at the metaphorical “elders table”.

Over the years I helped raise and watch my cousins grow, each one now my brothers but also like my children, helping them with their schooling when necessary, and with joy I watched most of them get into collage. I helped my aunts and uncles through crises, celebrated their joys, shared in their sorrows, but also helped them embrace there roles as the new elders of the family.

I didn’t see any of these changes happen. I knew my role had changed in the family when I noticed how I was being treated differently, but not the bigger picture. I just accepted it for what it was and was happy anytime someone needed my help. I didn’t realize what I had truly done and the impact I had made until recently, when my family made me take a step back and see exactly where I stood, what roles I play and how everyone depends on me.
I am part of every holiday, every special occasion, I am asked my opinion on every big decision, and when I speak, people truly listen. So much so that when my aunt finally met a man who she could see herself marrying, to my continued surprise and honor, she sought my approval.

I had spent most of my life feeling lost, less then, feeling like a looser, like I hadn’t accomplished anything because I wasn’t in the same place, or doing the same things as other people my age. But my family helped me see the truth. They helped me see how much I had truly done, how I had helped hold everyone together, how I had become the new center of our clan, and for the first time I truly saw myself.
I cried hard that day and though there are other things I have to accomplish for me to continue my journey, for the first time in my life, I am proud of who I am and the path I chose to take.

My grandmother taught me the importance of family and of endurance of sprit by both seeing how she lived her life, and by what she taught me. If it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t have the strong closely connected family that I have, and without her I don’t think I would have had the courage to make the decision I did to leave school. She was the glue that held us all together. She was a grandmother, a mother, a teacher, a guide, a friend, and she was the one who taught me what it meant to be a part of a true family.

I took on her mantel, something I don’t believe I have the right to wear, but my family seems to think differently. She was the strongest woman I’ve ever known, and somehow they see that strength in me.
I will strive to be worthy of the faith they have placed in me and who knows, maybe they’re right. After all, I was named after her….