Friday, January 28, 2011

Back to School....(*Blowing a Raspberry*)....

Oh...God...I hurt....
I don't even know why I'm writing right now...

I guess it's cause it's been bothering me that I haven't written anything in a while, but I am soo tired right now...
and for those of you thinking:
"Why you so tired? It's not like you got no job or nothen!" ...
You can kiss my big fat ASS!!
Yep...thanks to seeing an episode of the "Jersey Shore" immediately before deciding to write, that's what you sound like in my head
I don't even watch that shit...those people make my skin crawl, but I guess that's a good example of how tired I am, that I didn't even have enough strength to change the Damn Channel!...LOL

Anyhoo...back to my original point...
I'm tired...that's obvious since I've said it a bunch of times already. I don't know if it's cause I'm working out again, if it's having to get back into my old school schedule, or if it's because I've been trying to keep from busting my ass every time I walk out on these freaken icy streets, draining my already tapped reserves.
Fuck! for all I know it could be all the above plus some extra.
What I do know is that I had to drink two glasses of tea and one bubble tea in order to function today, and that ain't normal. Usually the bubble tea by itself will have me tweaking for

I know...I'm a light weight compared to you coffee drinkers, and maybe I should of just broken down and made myself a cup, but I don't want to get dependent on that shit. Once you cross over to that coffee line, it's almost impossible to go back.
Coffee is the legal crack of our society today. Trying to talk to a coffee drinker before they've had there first cup, is like trying to talk to a crack head before their first rock of the day, they will cut a bitch if you keep them from there shit LOL!

Back to topic (drifted a bit)
Yesterday and today was mandatory orientation for the start of our "Spring" semester. Classes don't officially start until February 7th, and I won't know till then what class they've put me in, or if they deleted me from the system like last Either way, I'm ready.
I got all my paperwork filled out and handed in yesterday, I got all my test scores from last semester, and no matter what, they will be putting me in the right class this time. I now know how the system works and I ain't gonna be played

This year I'll be sighing up for there advanced program that requires 3 extra elective classes. These classes will really help me with the job search.
They have a class that gets you prepared for working in the health field as well as finding a job, a computer class for certification in word and excel, and even classes that prepare you for the new green job market. Plus this year I will be signing up for the Math Lab, which will give me a more comprehensive background in math and will help prepare for collage level work.

As far as my love life is concerned, the classes haven't even started yet and it looks like I already have some complications that will have to be clipped quick.
Geekcano didn't show and I haven't heard from him since late December, so I doubt he'll be back, but I kinda expected that. Deep down, no matter what he said, I don't think he really wanted to be in the program. It was too much. I didn't see his buddy either, which is kinda disappointing cause I liked the guy, but that's a sure sign he's not coming back. Last semester you hardly saw one without the

So...that's it. I can't believe I wrote as much as I did...then again...I do tend to blabber when over

Blowing a raspberry

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Blowing a raspberry or strawberry or making a Bronx cheer is to make a noise signifying derision (and/or silliness), made by sticking out the tongue between the lips and blowing to make a sound reminiscent of flatulence. In the terminology of phonetics, this sound can be described as an unvoiced linguolabial trill [r̼̊]. It is never used in human language phonemically (i.e., to be used as a building block of words), but it is widely used across human cultures.
Nomenclature varies: in the US, Bronx cheer is sometimes used; otherwise, in the US and in other English-speaking countries, it is known as a raspberry, rasp or razz—the origin of which is an instance of rhyming slang, in which the non-rhyming part of a rhyming phrase is used as a synonym. In this case, "raspberry tart" rhymes with "fart".[1] It was first recorded in 1890.[2]
The term "Bronx Cheer" is used sarcastically because it's not a cheer; it is used to show disapproval. The term originated as a reference to the sound used by some spectators in Yankee Stadium, located in the Bronx, New York City.[3][4]"

LMFAO!!!! God I love Wikipedia!!....
 (Above photo by VShellabarger, Photobucket, and is directly linked)

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