I wont lie...the prospect of putting out the actual numbers for the world to see (actually more like 5 people..lol) is a frighteningly anus tightening task (say that 10 times fast).
I mean...it's one thing to see my fat ass in person, where I can try to camouflage all my wobbly bits with some dark deceptive shading and flowy fabric, but it's another to actually give out mathematical numbers that you can compare to African wildlife...
But since I seem to be spewing all my other embarrassing shit in this lovely little blog of mine, why not add another smoker to the pile.
Now...don't get all disappointed...but I can't post my weight changes because my scale (which was an old relic covered in dust and hidden under the tub) is dead, and I'm too broke to buy another one (yes I broke it...because I was bouncing on it like an idiot...don't ask)
But...have no fear...I have been taking measurements at least once a month to mark my body modification progress.
I had some basic measurements from March, which I've been using as my control, and I was planning to compare them to measurements I took a week ago. My plan was to wait till the day before the wedding to post them since that was my original goal date...but I'm impatient (always have been...lol) and I'm not sure what difference a little over 2 weeks would really make.
Plus...if I'm gonna do this shit...I got to do it like the way you rip off a band-aid...fast and painless (which is a lie told by sadistic parents who are tired of wasting their time watching their kid slowly peel off the damn band-aid!...sorry...um...went a ranting there...lol)...
So while writing this dribble, I've decided to post the measurements Now and then take new ones after the wedding to post Later...
Let's see if over 2 weeks makes any sort of difference...
Here we go...
March July
Hips : 47 inches Hips: 44 inches
Waist : 38 inches Waist: 33 inches
Bust : 43 inches Bust: 41 inches
Now...I'm not completely happy with the results, because I know I could have done better then this, but I have to be honest and remind myself that I didn't truly put my whole heart into the exercising/eating right thing until June, where I promptly freaked the fuck out.
I may not have reached my goal, but it helped get my large butt moving, and finally pushed me over that hurdle (more like a 30 foot wall) of not wanting to change my life.
I've already set another goal for November when I will hopefully be going to Cancun, so I don't intend to stop once the wedding is over. I'm taking this as far as I can before something happens (which it always seems to do and why my nickname is Murphy...lol)
Though I may not be entirely happy (cause I'll still be fat for the wedding) I'm constantly reminded of how much has changed with the loss of a few inches. I fit into jeans I haven't worn in over 2 years, people say (as if surprised) that I look good without me fishing for it, I can walk further, run faster, and I think I look better, but that's my own personal opinion ;-)
So that's it...
If I can get to a scale I'll see where I am in comparison to the last time I was on a scale (the night it died), then I'll post that in my after wedding blog...
As for now...I'm feeling the effects of the benadryl I took, so it's time for bed...
Peace OUT!!!
(beautiful "Pin Up Measuring Tape" photo by LaurenCollins7's Album, posted on Photobucket, and directly linked)
Oh my GOSH!!! Well first of all,I think you didn't need to lose weight. Be proud being fabulous and curvy- second- since you've been trying to lose weight- I just want to say you've done an outstanding job! I'm in awe.
ReplyDeleteTo me- and the rest of the world- we love you exactly the way you are- FABULOUS, GORGEOUS and simply perfect!
Love you babe!!!
Thank you soooo much sweet pea...
ReplyDeleteSince last u saw me I had gained an additional 20 pounds thanks to the Fibro and my immobility so things were getting WAY out of hand, and I needed to make some drastic changes. I think I'm almost back to the size when I did my photo shoo with you...;-)
I don't want to be skinny, and I don't think its possible for me to get rid of my curves (notice how I loose the most weight in my waist...hour glass baby...lol) and even if I could, I wouldn't want to, but in all honesty I'm just tired of being the fat chick.
I think my ideal size is between an 8 and a 10. Still fat by the rest of the worlds standards, but my happy place...lol
Girl! A size 8 or 10 is fucking thin in my book-fuck everyone else man!
ReplyDeleteYour right...fuck everyone else.
ReplyDeleteBut I got to think about my health.
the size thing is just gonna be a perk...
and remember...I'm very short and a size 10 on someone my height ain't that skinny...lol
This is some good work Marcelina. Keep it up. You have got the right attitude, do it for your health and take everything else as a bonus. Your results are actually pretty good and if you keep it up you will get where you want to be. Remember that it will take time, the thing that pissed me off the most in the gym was trainers who promised clients insane transformations in three months if they only buy with them. With that I have always been honest - it will be a long, slow process and it will suck ass. But in the end you will be happy for it. Keep up the good work. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Kons...
ReplyDeleteActually what got me going was remembering how you trained me. I found a DVD that has me doing well rounded circuit training without all that retarded music, grunting, and screaming.
But you see...what made you great was that it didn't suck ass. You had me laughing so often I forgot I was supposed to be suffering...it wasn't till I'd get home that my body would reminder me...lol
Best trainer I've ever had and I'd hire you again in a heart beat if I ever won the lotto...lol
Lol thanks. Funny thing though since now I'm studying to be a social worker, I will be qualified to serve as the therapist your mom was talking about. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. ;)
ReplyDeletePerfect! ;)