Yours truly is actually below the National Waist Size Average!!
Trust one was more surprised then I was.
I was watching a news program about the obesity epidemic when they talked about a recent Federal study that showed that the average waist size for men in the US was 39.0 inches while for women its 36.5 inches.
I am currently a little under 33 inches.
Kinda blew my head....
I'm still not sure how accurate that survey was and I don't completely trust news networks anymore, but it made me realize how far I've come.
But just like everything in my life, my happy dance didn't last long...
Now there seems to be a new study out that correlates waist size and health (it's been out before but this one was all, that says you need to have a waist size of 31 and under to be low risk, so of course I have a ways to go...
That is if any of this shit ACTUALLY mattered to me...
I was just happy knowing I was below the national average...I did my little jig and that was it...I really couldn't give 2 shits otherwise...
The obesity issues is a big one, and it requires major change to take place in every aspect of our lives, but people don't want to talk about that, and until they do, I'm sticking my fingers in my ears, sticking out my tongue, and blowing raspberries at my TV.
They want to throw around scary numbers, tell you to eat right and exercise, but that's all they say (as if that's the only problem). Then right afterward, as if by divine coincidence, you'll see is a fast food commercial.
It's fucking comical.
So...I know there's always gonna be another survey, another study, that will say something different. Just look at how many times they said red wine and coffee were bad for you, which is why I'm not giving up my red meat for no So I'm not gonna waste my time chasing after someone else's idea of healthy.
I know what it looks like and I'll know it when I get there...
Stories on the web that have to do with what I'm ranting about:
Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions
The Belly Burden
(Photo by KclCmdr, provided by Photobucket and directly linked)
(Ticker provided by The Ticker Factory)
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