I'm freaking out...
Weddings just around the corner...
I got my bra and It Fits!(thank GOD!), so I'm all set on the dress front and I am 34/36 G (fuck...)
I'm still stressing about my makeup since it's a wedding and all, but I'll have to wing it when the time comes.
Got my hair appointment, flowers have been ordered, and the clan starts arriving in exactly 2 weeks (Yay!). But what I keep having stress palpitations about is Dancing!!
What the hell is wrong with me that with all the things I got to worry about, that's the one thing that keeps popping back into my head like an evil little gnome.
It's usually attached to some other worry like not being able to dance in my heals, the dress being too long for me to comfortably dance in, are my arms gonna be covered enough for me to feel free in my movements, will I look fat dancing on the video.
All this stupid shit is running through my head and I feel schizo cause half of me is worrying about it while the other half is asking myself why the fuck I'm worrying about such stupid crap (yes...sometimes I talk to myself...or rather curse at myself...so sue me).
I've always been embarrassed about dancing. I don't know why.
Yet not with dancing on a stage...I was always fine with that, but dancing at a party or at a club, always made me feel self conscious.
I know I'll be with mostly family, in fact more family then's ever been together at one time, but for whatever reason thinking about that doesn't help.
Ahhh FUCK IT!!!!....I can't think about this shit anymore...I got bigger things to worry about...like my last 2 weeks of exercise...lol
(Photo by riah12162008, provided by Photobucket, and directly linked)
(just thought the photo was funny and I feel like I look like him...lol)
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