Went to Comic Con on Sunday, October 12th. Once again I went with my girlfriend who got me a deal on tickets. Was also supposed to meet up with an Ex from way back when who was working at the con but between getting their late, the madness of the place, my short stature, and how busy he got, we never saw one another. Somehow it seems as if in my world men and Comic Con don't mix.
My other Ex (the more recent one) wanted to go with me when we were apart, then when we got together and Comic Con rolled around he wasn't interested. Now with this old ex, waning me to meet him there, even offering to get me in for free, than when I get there, poof, he's buried in customers and I can't find him nor my way from A to Z because the place is so packed with people.
For the little time I was there I enjoyed myself, until I pulled my back out dodging out of the way of some stupid asshole kids...yep I'm becoming an old lady...lol
Oh well...at least I got my gift from him...which was really rather neat.
He got me a handmade Klingon slave girl statue that he had showed me years ago and had said reminded him of me. She's got the same body type as me except a little lighter on a few pounds, and when I saw her it was the first time I saw my body shape in a positive light. You see my ex never had a problem with my body. He seemed to like it just the way it was, though I had my issues, so when I saw this statue it was like seeing myself the way he saw me and for the first time I saw myself as being sexy. Back then I had wanted to buy it, but the man who had made it only made two and both had sold out. Well it turns out my Ex never forgot how much I loved it, contacted the guy and convinced him to sculpt one more, which he then bought for me and held on to it for all these years.
Pretty impressive for a guy who can be and still is such a dick...lol
So since I started writing this blog it's been a little over a month of Kickboxing and I've lost a total of 10 pounds, which isn't that much considering the time, but when I look at the bigger picture I was actually amazed at my progress.
My other Ex (the more recent one) wanted to go with me when we were apart, then when we got together and Comic Con rolled around he wasn't interested. Now with this old ex, waning me to meet him there, even offering to get me in for free, than when I get there, poof, he's buried in customers and I can't find him nor my way from A to Z because the place is so packed with people.
For the little time I was there I enjoyed myself, until I pulled my back out dodging out of the way of some stupid asshole kids...yep I'm becoming an old lady...lol
Oh well...at least I got my gift from him...which was really rather neat.
He got me a handmade Klingon slave girl statue that he had showed me years ago and had said reminded him of me. She's got the same body type as me except a little lighter on a few pounds, and when I saw her it was the first time I saw my body shape in a positive light. You see my ex never had a problem with my body. He seemed to like it just the way it was, though I had my issues, so when I saw this statue it was like seeing myself the way he saw me and for the first time I saw myself as being sexy. Back then I had wanted to buy it, but the man who had made it only made two and both had sold out. Well it turns out my Ex never forgot how much I loved it, contacted the guy and convinced him to sculpt one more, which he then bought for me and held on to it for all these years.
Pretty impressive for a guy who can be and still is such a dick...lol
So since I started writing this blog it's been a little over a month of Kickboxing and I've lost a total of 10 pounds, which isn't that much considering the time, but when I look at the bigger picture I was actually amazed at my progress.
When I began the class it worked me so hard I left it completely wasted and wanting to puke. My legs were shaking making walking a challenge and any stairs I encountered became a scary obstacle. Then that weekend my body literally shut down. Moving any part of my body became excruciating, I was walking like Frankenstein and stairs became a ridiculous impossibility because the pain would actually buckle my knees. In fact that weekend I became stuck in my aunts basement, only going up if my bladder was busting and only by double stepping every stair. I needed about 4 days to recover each time, but even though it was painful somehow it felt like good pain. I felt parts of my body hurt I didn't even know had muscle. So at the beginning I had to arrange my schedule so I could take the class and be out of commission for 4 days, not an easy task when your going to school too, which meant I could go once a week only. So I started once a week for about three weeks before my body and stamina were strong enough to do it twice a week. I couldn't change how I ate right away because of my busy schedule. But exercising as hard as I was made me want to take control of what I was putting into my body. I spent a little money on a juicer, bought a well received liquid vitamin, and slowly replaced all sugar drinks in my house with seltzer, and ordered crap with healthy options. Now I find when I indulge in something bad it'll taste funny, or taste too sweet. Because of that I find myself even more unconsciously drawn to healthy options.
But the biggest change has been in my body.
But the biggest change has been in my body.
They always say don't trust the scale trust your clothing, well they were fucking right!!
It started off with little things like going up hills took less effort, my thighs seemed thinner or my school bag didn't feel as heavy. But now it's showing in the way my stomach is disappearing, in my posture, and in the way my body responds to my workouts. Hell...I did 20 partnered push ups the other day where you push up then high five your partner, and I've never done 20 push ups in my LIFE, plus I did them straight without stopping....lol
But now after I finish a workout I may feel physically exhausted, but I feel energized at the same time. I end up refreshed and look forward to my next workout though I know afterward I'm gonna pay. I'm craving it but now that I'm seeing results the pain seems worth it.
Ok...Since this blog is already too long...I'll leave the other stuff (namely school stuff) for another blog...
Ok...Since this blog is already too long...I'll leave the other stuff (namely school stuff) for another blog...
(Picture above I took at Comic Con)
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