Not only am I going to school full time, but now I am working with an accountant helping to audit buildings for tax season.
How did I get broken-in to this new exciting world of auditing?...(you ask)...
By auditing one of the richest men in NYC...
Now I wont say who, because the power this man has scares the living crap out of me, and my paranoia is keeping me cautious, but think TV show where B list celebrities compete for charity, he owns towering building all over Manhattan, and has that famous hair that hasn't changed in over 30 years...
If the hair thing didn't clue you in then I don't know what
As for me...this will probably be the only blog I post for the month as March is Midterm month and I'm up to my eyeballs in textbooks, notes, PowerPoint lectures, and a veritable mountain of stress...
Oh and let me not forget to mention how I started off this month of nail biting, soda drinking, laptop back breaking, candy eating, suit wearing madness...
Going through my friends list on Facebook, I discovered that my Ex had reactivated his old account and since Valentines day had full access to everything on my page and everything I posted....
I can't tell you how much that hurt.
To find out he had been watching/reading everything and never said a word. To know that he's curious but not enough to actually talk to me. It was like my newly scabbed up tear in my heart had cracked open and I literally felt a throbbing weight in my chest. I quickly rectified the situation, somewhat doubting that he even knew about it. That maybe he wasn't checking my page the way I thought he was, that was until I got a friend request from him that quickly got deleted less then 24 hours after I un-friending him.
Now I knew he was checking my page and I knew he was doing it often, or that friend request was one hell of a coincidence, so I had to find out why...I deserved that much after the privacy violation.
So though I didn't want to, I emailed him asking him that very question...Why??
He apologized and sort of explained...but when you don't even know your own motivations, how can you explain them to anyone else.
I was polite, but that's about it. I didn't want to get engaged in a conversation, because of how easily I can get sucked in, so I kept things short, semi-friendly, and cut it off.
It still bothers me, but luckily I don't have much time to think about that shit anymore.
I'm moving on...
(picture above of a really HUGE Full Moon that greeted me after my last class of the night)
Your blog made me laugh and sad all at the time, but isn't that how life really is? Yet I know your are going to fight on because you own your power and no one can take that from you. That is only given away which you wise one understand. This too shall past so hang in there, smooth waters are coming.