Sunday, May 22, 2011

When it Rains it Pours...and it Seems the Same goes for Ex's...

This is gonna be a quick post...

Why is it when a guy shows intrest, it sends out a bat signal to all your ex's telling them now's a good time to call??

No I'm not posting anything anywhere that would make said ex's curious and actually half of them don't even do the social networking thing (which is strange now a days).
Hell...some I haven't heard from in months if not years, yet all of a sudden they ALL contact me within days of each other.
If I were more of a paranoid person 'd be freaking the fuck out right

So there some secret network out there that alarms your ex's when your moving on with your life?

Oh and my mother made the joke that if it were a bat signal it would be in Asian characters since 90% of my ex's are of Asian decent.
Ain't my family a hoot...LOL!

 (Photo from Photobucket, by kristyellenx3 and is directly linked)

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