My old trusted lap top who I named "Samwise" had long since gotten too old to use. I tried everything to keep him mobile, even cutting out all the unnecessary software and files so I could at least write and go on the interweb, but alas, the world moved too fast for old Samwise to keep up.
He had been my trusty companion for many a year, but eventually I couldn't handle the half-hour start up and stopped using him.
Now as a gift for all my hard work, I got a new computer. They surprised me with it last weekend, and I cried like a little bitch.
I can't bring myself to call it a replacement with Samwise being technically still alive and all, but she (for yes my new notebook has more female characteristics) will definitely be my new companion from now on.
(written from my new baby, photo courtesy of QVC and directly linked)
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