Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy VD Day!!!!(My Day After Valentines Day Blog)...

Ok....so most people do a blog on Valentines Day about Valentines Day...
I decided instead, since I can't stand Valentines Day, to use the day to relax, watch the G4 Cheaters marathon, then write about my views later...

Yes...I hate Valentines Day...or as I like to refer to it "Venereal Disease-Day" or "VD-Day" for short.
If you don't believe me, just think about it.
Valentines Day is known for love but mostly for sex.
Women use Valentines day as a "get out of jail" sex card if they get what they want, so people in general have more sex on Valentines Day then any other normal day.
Therefore, the more sex people have, the more likely that venereal diseases will get transferred...hence why it's "VD-Day"....simple logic...

Now before you go yelling at me, saying that I don't understand the meaning of Valentines day, and that I'm just some bitter female without a boyfriend...your only 1/3 right...lol

Valentines Day is for those who don't understand real love. If you truly love someone then you don't need a special day to show them, they probably already know by your daily actions.
Love is having dinner ready when you know your partner has had a long day at work and you don't want them to cook.
Love is taking the kids out so your partner can get an hour of peace.
Love is never going to bed angry.
Love is buying flowers not cause it's a "special day", but because you thought of them and you know it will make them happy.
Love is simple things that you do for one another because you love them, and because you care.
If you do these things, then Valentines Day is just any other day.

Now sure...I'll admit, I'm single...and Valentines Day is never an easy day for singles, but that isn't why I hate the day.
I hate that women perpetuate this need to be treated like Princesses on Valentines Day (I hate it when women feel the need to be treated like princesses period, but I'll save that rant for another time...lol).
It isn't about you, it's supposed to be about you and your partner, but the focus is always on the female.
I hate that people feel this need to be obnoxiously in your face with the "public displays of affection". I mean, I'm happy and all that your happy, but do I need to see you dry hump your boyfriend on the subway platform?
I hate that Valentines Day had become this consumerism driven day of legalized prostitution.
When did it become Ok to trade Money or items for sex?
If you buy me this or take me there I'll sleep with you...
This is the one night guys go above and beyond just for a night of "guaranteed" sex.
That isn't right...if he's doing all kinds of shit for you so he can get some, then your not giving him enough. Eventually he's gonna get bitter and either leave you (best case scenario), or cheat on you (worse case scenario)
The definition of Prostitution:
"Engaging in sexual activity with another person in exchange for compensation, such as money or other valuable goods"
I especially love it when women who are all "I am woman...hear me roar!" get fucking pissed when there boyfriend didn't do anything for them on Valentines Day...I mean really?..lol

and finally...the main reason I hate Valentines Day...
all the Pink!!!!...I can't STAND the color baby pink and it's freaken everywhere. It even invades our foods so I can't even go into a grocery store without being visually violated.

Is it nice to get something?...sure...but it's always nice to receive.
I only dated one guy through Valentines Day, and though I didn't ask for anything and he didn't believe in it, he still sent me something that had personal meaning, just because he wanted to. That meant 100 times more then if he had sent it because he felt obligated. But this was a guy who had bought me a DVD set I really wanted out of the blue, and a special book he wanted to share with me, just because he felt like it, wanted to surprise me, and knew it would make me happy.

So the moral to the story kiddies, is if you love someone, you'll show it because you want to, not because you need to, and not because the calender says so.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Day of Class...Ok...Now What!...

So yesterday was my first day of class, and as anticipated they screwed up my schedule.

But unlike last semester instead of putting me in too low a class they put me in too high a class. Now I understand this is due to my test scores (which were impressive :) but what I need to learn the most is in the damn class level they don't seem to want to put me in!

So I went straight to the office before heading to my classes, knowing this needed to be nipped in the budd right away.
Unfortunately the head coordinator was there and she showed her true colors.

From the moment I met her something bothered me. Maybe it was something unseen, maybe it was the way she spoke down to me, but from day one it rubbed me the wrong way. Then yesterday as we're waiting to go into the office, she makes a scene with one of the students trying to get his schedule fixed.
I know the guy from last semester and he's real mellow, and even though she was telling him they lost one of his tests, he stayed mellow. But she lost it, telling him its not her responsibility if he couldn't come in to take the test on its proper day, accusing him of yelling, though the only voiced raised was hers. She then took the fight, which is what she created, out into the hall where we all were standing, only then to accuse him of making a scene in front of us.
It was ugly...just plain ugly, and what probably made him loose his cool finally was that the entire time she yelled at him, she spoke down to him as well. It's amazing he stayed civil for as long as he did, but when she decided to continue this fight upstairs, you finally heard him raise his voice.
That little drama wasted 30mins of my first day.

Finally a very nice woman, whom I should remember her name but can't, came down to the office. When she saw us there she asked us if we needed help, we told her, she wrote it down, and we were off to our classes.... that was it.
Something that should have taken 2 seconds, ended up taking 30 flipping minutes...

But other then that, the class went well.
So far I like my new teachers and actually was a bit embarrassed when one them recognized my name from my essay that got published...
That's a weird feeling. Being recognized because of something I wrote...

Today is Math...the subject I have a true love/hate relationship with. Hopefully things will come to me as quickly as they did last semester so I can truly enjoy the experience the way I want to...

Wish me luck kitties...lol...;-)
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

For a Moment I Lost my Path...

I have so much going on in my mind that I had a moment today where I lost focus.

I didn't realize what was happening until I saw how annoyed I was at everything, and how I was being short with my mother for no reason.
(and no... I'm not PMSing nor am I on the rag, so I have no excuse)

I was angry...just plain angry at everything.
Negative thoughts and frustrations about where I am in my life had entered my head and had been allowed to fester.
Frustrations with pain, having to see another doctor tomorrow, my frozen weight loss, guys, money or lack there of, the slow progress of my education, and the embarrassed lies I tell to avoid the looks of pity. So in other words, my life as I slowly reach 30.
I've been making so much progress, and I was happy...truly happy.... so I didn't think those turning 30 blues would hit me...but then BOOM! It hit me...like an unexpected uppercut from a 300 pound lucha libre wrestler named "The Downer Ferry"...

When I realized what was happening, I knew I had to get rid of it right away, so I took a shower.
That shower became more then just a physical cleansing, but a mental and spiritual cleansing as well.
I ran through all my issues as I washed my hair, seeing them for what they were, wasted energy feeling sorry for myself. So I visualized them leave my head and run down my body with the soapy water, finally washing away down the drain.
Water is truly my element. I've always felt connected to it, and it helps me stay balanced.

I got out of the shower feeling so much better, yet I can still feel the shallow echo of my former dark thoughts like dark purple bruises in the back of my mind, so I know I have to stay strong.

My power lies in staying positive, seeing my problems for what they are, and doing something about it.
I can't allow myself to fall into a depression. I've come too far to let anything stop me now...not even if what stands in my way is me...

(Beautiful photo shared by pamzers, Photobucket and is directly linked)
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