When you find out that you've just gone through a month or more of classes that you were not supposed to be in. Classes that are actually too easy for you...
So here's what happened...
We took our midterms...and when I had to go down to get my grades they
-First...Couldn't find them in the computer...
-Second...When they did find them...they were in the wrong place...
-Third... Couldn't give me any information about how I did other then some random numbers they wrote on a posted because they couldn't find my original scores from my entrance exam...
Ok.. that pissed me off and I vented quite a bit when I got home...
So the next day I decided that I would head back to the office to find out what the "mysterious posted note numbers" actually meant...
A very nice woman helped me out...and explained the numbers and what scores I actually got...
But while she was showing me my reading test numbers...she pointed out that on my entrance exam I got the highest score you could get...
In other words a PERFECT SCORE IN READING!!!!!!
So...very calmly...trying very hard to keep myself from exploding and strangling the poor girl....I asked
"Should I be in the classes I'm in?...
"No...but if you wanna change you can"...
(a look of dumb shock flickered across my face)...
After a few blinks and still holding back the raging animal within, I squeezed one last question past my tight lips...
"Isn't it a bit late to transfer now that we're near the end of the term?...I mean the finals are only two weeks away..."
"Um...yea" she said with a sorry look on her face...
I couldn't be mad at her...I just couldn't....at least she tried to help...it was the others...all those other people that I wanted to throttle...including their grand leader Ms. Stick Up Her Rectum Coordinator.
I mean...what the hell is she actually coordinating... Most of the people working under her look like deer in headlights whenever u ask them the simplest question...
So I left the office pissed but at the same time relieved and in a state of acceptance.
At least I wasn't crazy about my reading skills, and at least being in a lower class helped me build some much needed confidence. I got to meet some great teachers I would have missed meeting otherwise, and some good people too.
So all in all everything worked out for the best...
But we'll see if I need a punching bag when finals come around....sheesh...
(Photo by nerd_by_proxy, Photobucket and directly linked.)
Oh my gosh hunny!!! How are you staying SANE???!