Well that's what just happened to me after doing Jillian Michaels for Beginners - Frontside
I did all 6 circuit training exercises (each circuit consists of 3 exercises done 3 times), with the last exercise being a 30 second plank hold on the floor. .

When I finally realized that I wasn't dead, and that I could in fact get up, my body begged to differ.
My legs and arms were too exhausted to do anything other then flap around like land locked fish, and any attempt I made to move any part of my body (other then my head) off the floor, was met by earths gravitational pull.
I couldn't even roll over onto my back!!
A turtle, stuck on his back, had more of a chance then I did...
And of course, it was this very thought that pushed me over the edge into laughter.
There I was... stuck...on my stomach...a human floor rug for the pets...with no way to get up...laughing like an idiot into the floor boards, and again my thoughts sent me into even more laughter until finally I was laughing hysterically!!...LOL!
Thank GOD I had my cell phone to call in the cavalry, otherwise I might still be there NOW!
Imagine having to call and explain to someone in between bouts of laughter, that your stuck, on you stomach, on the floor, like an infant.
Luckily my savor was close by so I didn't have to wait long. But between my laughter and my useless muscles, getting me off the floor wasn't easy. After taking breaks to allow me to gain some semblance of control, I was rolled, heaved and hoed (not the making money kind) back onto my feet.
Once off the floor though things when from funny to foggy as I got dizzy, sleepy, and felt so cold I was actually shivering. I looked so bad that my rescuer sat me down with a bottle of water and bundled me up with a blanket and a heating pad, but it took awhile before I started to feel normal again.
As of now I can move my limbs, but everything (and I mean everything) is stiff and very achy. I'm walking around like Frankenstein, but at least I'm walking, and though my arms are weak, I can wipe my ass....
My only worry is for tomorrow.
What condition will I be in? and Will I need a bed pan?...lol
Do I regret doing the whole DVD?
For the first time in a Long time, I pushed past all my limits and won.
I wouldn't change that feeling for the world...though tomorrow I might be singing a different tune...lol...;-)
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