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Do human women go into heat the way animals do??
(Random question...I know but it's relevant...)
I say Yes, because I do...and I am...right
Every once in awhile I go into a heighten state of arousal, and after charting it through the years, I noticed it happens more often when physically I'm the most fertile....or whatever you want to call it.
It doesn't happen every month (thank GOD) but it does happen.
When it does, besides the obvious arousal, I'm also more sensitive to touch, smell, taste, and I always end up having fun dreams...;-) But I also notice I get more attention from Men during this time too.
Whither they're reacting to my energy, or some body language I don't realize I'm doing, or even if its pheromones, they're reacting alright.
I also notice I'm drawn to some men more then to others. Men I didn't even really notice before, become fascinating to me, while others that I thought were good looking become non entity's.
It's nothing I can quantify, but it's usually followed by a tingling of the skin, a increase in heart rate, and weirdly enough, they always smell good, while the guys that I'm not drawn to smell bad. It isn't related to any body spray, deodorant, or lotion. This has happened with guys who use body sprays, guys who use just soap, or even if there sweaty, there is something in their scent that my brain find pleasing.
Sounds weird, but it's true....
The messed up part about it far... it hasn't happened while I've been with a boyfriend.
As fate would have it, even if I have a someone in my life, it seems to always happen when I can't get to them, or they can't get to
Again the universes idea of a bad joke.
Like making it so I can't really drink, because I react too strongly to alcohol, missing the good part, and skipping straight to the part where my head's in the toilet, or smoke pot, because pot turns me into "super paranoia girl".
But in hindsight, I'm grateful it worked out that way, because if I were a skanky ass ho instead of a one man woman, I'm pretty sure I'd have a bunch of kids by
I just wish I didn't have to suffer through it and could turn it off like a
Good part dreams are very clear and are telling me that a very special Man is in my near future...
Who knows what will happen...:-)))
I guess there's more Wolf in me after all...
(and answer your question, masturbation doesn't help. The need is for skin to skin