(a rant from my phone)
Why is it nothing ever gets fixed around here?
I have to blog from my cell because not only is our cable down, but so is our phone line...again
We've called the phone company many times since February to fix this issue and IT'S APRIL!!!
Guy comes by, says it a problem with the line in the basement, says they're gonna fix it, then a little rain and we're back at square 1.
Before, the line would only go out during bad weather, but today it's sunny, so WTF!
Why does this keep happening u might ask?
Because most of the people who are sent here to fix ANYTHING are freaken MONKEYS!
Now when I say Monkeys, I don't mean it in a racial way. This term is used to describe so called "fix it"people who wouldn't know there ass from there elbow (actually...it might be offensive to Monkeys ;)
I first heard this term used by my irate uncle when I was around 10 years old.
He had picked me up from school and when we got home the house was full of recently dead, smoking electronics.
I (having asthma) was immediately sent to sit on the fire escape, while he went scrambling to unplug everything. Phone calls were exchanged between various parties, including my mother and the Columbia U building office, and then, in through our door come the culprits, the building manager, the super, and the workers who had caused the power serge. Lined up in single file down my hall they stood, men of all different nationalities, and I watched as my quiet uncle, laid into them.
All kinds of curses flew of his mouth as he paced the length of the living room shouting about safety. How this building could have burned down, how I could have been hurt, all cause they had "monkeys" working in the basement.
U could have heard a pin drop...
He said it many times, completely unaware, and each time I had to look away. I was cracking up.
After they finally left with assurances that they will take care of any and all damages, he turned to me with a worried expression and asked
"U don't think they thought I meant it racially do u?"
I never laughed so hard in my life...
So to this day, whenever another thing goes wrong because it wasn't fixed properly in the first place, or because the guy who's fixing it is more experienced at picking his ass then actually doing his job, I may get mad, but then that day with my uncle comes flashing into my head and I smile, because I realize I AM dealing with Monkeys...lol
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