I've been waiting and stressing with anticipation over my impending college acceptance/rejections letters. Plus knowing how hard it is today to get into even a community college now that almost everyone is broke, wasn't helping me in keeping my fingernails intact (I lost three of them already)
But on Thanksgiving I finally got my answer....
Borough of Manhattand Community College also known as BMCC
Lehman College.
My first choice 2 year college and a 4 year college....
The wait of finding out was killing me but today I finally got my acceptance email from BMCC!...
That's right...I said email...kinda confused me too, but in today's tech modern world I shouldn't be that surprised. Then again I was supposed to find out by early November so I guess all this modernization hasn't streamlined the delays yet.
Now as far as decisions go...I'm not bothering to wait for Lehman's "email" cause I've decided to go to BMCC...
Why u ask?? well let me tell u...
1. My ultimate goal is to get into Hunter College for their science department, and transferring from a 2 year CUNY with an associates is a lot easier then getting in outright or transferring from another 4 year.
2. BMCC is way easier to get to from my house then Lehman and that will help keep me motivated to get to class everyday.
3. Having been out of school for so long, getting thrown into a 4 year right off the bat might overwhelm me. I have to think about whats going to keep me sane and in the game for as long as possible.
Messed up part of all this is that I got the acceptance email today only to read I need to send in my commitment deposit form and check by December 1st. That's this Thursday!!! WTF!!!!...
I'm supossed to get 15 days not 2!!
I'm glad I knew ahead of time what I was gonna do otherwise I would really be freaking the fuck out right now!
In the acceptance letter, besides the way too soon deposit date, they also said I've been scheduled to take the CUNY Assessment test on December 8th and I have to get my doctor to fill out my immunization papers, all before I am even allowed to register around January 20-January 26.
Classes begin January 27th.....
I feel like I'm falling down the rabbit hole and all I wann do is puke...but at least its happy anxiety puke...lol
(Picture above is of me sending in my deposit form tonight...I only pray it gets there on time)